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Privacy policy EureWelcome app for Android and iOS

Version 2024-05-10

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any such changes by posting the updated version on this page.

We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically for changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective when they are posted on this page.

Type of information collected and how it is used

The app is free and can be used without an account or registration. No personal data is collected or shared by the app.

Some non-personal data (e.g. installation information) is provided to us by Google Play and Apple App Store. These platforms are subject to their own privacy policies. This non-personal data may be used for statistical purposes by Info-Handicap and possibly third parties.

The app links to external sites and services that Info-Handicap does not operate. These external sites and services are subject to their own privacy policies.

Type of « special » app permissions requested

The app can be used without any « special » app permissions. Optional features can be switched on by allowing these special app permissions. You can deny this optional app permission at any time.

– Coarse/precise GPS data (only if the app is in the foreground). This data is only used locally by the app and is not shared with Info-Handicap or third parties. The app uses this data to calculate your distance and relative location to the EureWelcome listings.

Your Rights

You can find more information on your rights in Chapter 3 of the GDPR.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us as follows:


Via E-Mail: info@iha.lu

Telephone: +352 366 466-1

Via Mail : 65, Avenue de la Gare / L-1611 Luxembourg